Thursday, November 13, 2014

Heated Floors and much much more!

If you ever have the option to get a bathroom (or kitchen) with heated floors DO IT.  And you don't have to thank me! LOL! :)  We LOVE our heated tile floors!  Seriously--there are times that we are freezing and walk into the bathroom and it is warm and cozy.  The floor is warm and the whole room just is cozy.  The other night I was struggling with a tight chest--the floor was on, the heat was on, and I ran what was going to be a bath with some essential oils (but I ended up just hanging out in the bathroom) and it was helpful and warm and soothing.  Jordyn even joined me in the bathroom for a long time--and I caught this super duper cute picture of her:

This weekend we had to change our plans for the Hot Chocolate race.  Originally we wanted to run the 15K.  However, I hadn't trained at all and time (and motivation) just wasn't there.  I was prepared for the 5K.  Slowly but surely I could do it--and it would be fun!  Justin was even going to run with us!  HOWEVER, something came up and my mom needed to stay home.  Mom watches the kids when we run--SO, not having her there put us in a predicament.  SOO--we did decided to WALK the Little City 3K walk.  So--we signed up the boys and made sure we could take a stroller on the course.  And we had a BLAST.  We left Friday about 6 and got to my Dad's about 3ish.  Left for Chicago about noon on Saturday and enjoyed the expo and China Town.  Ate some absolutely amazing pizza and headed back to the hotel for the night!  The race was a ton of fun but COLD.  Jordyn was SOO COLD by the end of it.  We got back and came back on Sunday evening.  Got home about Monday!  I got to snuggle and relax on Monday!  Woot! :)

Christmas is coming!  I am excited--but it also is a bit stressful!  This year the boys are getting a big gift together---and then a few small gifts.  I think Jordyn is going to get a potty! LOL!  And a few other things from us!  We always get Christmas PJ's, socks, and underwear for everyone!  It's the yearly replenishment! LOL!  And we will probably get each of them a new outfit.  But honestly--my mom and mother-in-law are really good shoppers and they won't need much else.  Like I said--the boys are getting a big big gift and so that's the big thing from us! :)  I got Justin wireless Beats earlier in the year--but I will probably get him something small.  He has most everything he could ever want so...

This Thanksgiving will be interesting as far as scheduling for my 2nd job goes.  I will be interested to see what my hours are as we are open a typical holiday day on the day after and open for about 8 hours the day of Thanksgiving.  It will be interesting how the day unfolds.

Owen is doing basketball this year!!!  Ya, we haven't EVER done basketball as Noah wasn't ever interested (and still isn't) but, Owen WANTED to do it--and kept asking about it!  So why not right?!  LOL!  It will be an interesting adventure that's for sure!

We had conferences for the boys last week!  Both boys are doing well--Owen is in the right placement as far as Kindergarten and resource services--and Noah is doing well in 2nd grade!  Of course both boys are really doing very very well in Math (Noah was the only student who got an A+ on his last math test!)--and struggle more with reading.  Both Justin and I are not strong readers and struggled in school with reading as well--so it comes as no surprise.  They are doing well and Noah's teacher said she is noticing him having more difficulties with concentrating.  Much like what was happening for him last year when we STARTED his meds--so I called today and we are going to adjust accordingly. 

My classroom is going well!  I need to do some re-teaching of expectations I think.  As a class we are struggling with just basic rules and procedures.  I think partly because we have gotten into a groove and partly because they are getting lax about what they know they are supposed to be doing. Overall I still love it and it's going well! :)

Jordyn is lovely.  Crazy and stubborn.  And WALKING!! FINALLY! LOL!   And she isn't slowing down anytime soon!  She is trying to run with her brothers and its funny!  She has also mastered going up AND down the stairs.  She will sometimes sneak upstairs--but we watch her go down the stairs although she did perfect tonight!  The boys are also always looking after her!  OH--and she is giving lots of kisses lately! Love it!  She is at such fun age!

Anyway--this has gotten so long!  I hope you all have a fabulous Friday! :)

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fall Fun :)

With Fall upon us I find that it is a wondeful time of year for our family.  There is so much to get out and do, the weather has been absolutely to die for, and it is just a great time of year to be with each other.  Work has settled in and my 2nd job isn't crazy yet (it's retail).

This October we have done so much--but in particular we went to a pumpkin patch called Vala's.  It's in the same area that my in-laws live and its a HUGE pumpkin patch.  The downside is that it is pricey but--we spent 6 HOURS there and only got to HALF of the pumpkin patch.  Now mind you we took it slow, but still!  It was a TON of fun!  I have pictures so stay tuned!

October is also halloween party month!  This year Jordyn is a fairy/butterfy, Owen is Captain America, and Noah is my mom's dog Bailey (whom he loves dearly!).  This past week we had our annual trick or treat event at the school I teach at!  It was a ton of fun and the boys had a BLAST!  However, I hadn't gotten a chance to do Noah's costume yet.  A few years back I made Owen a dalmation costume to match Noah's fire fighter costume!  It was super easy so I knew HOW to make it--but I just hadn't gotten the time to get the supplies and sit down and do it.  So--low and behold on Thursday (the night of the event) I went to Walmart to get everything.  My hope was to just be able to get the jist of it done and then I would paint it at a later date.  Well, I was pleasently surprised because I was able to get it all finished by the time the event started!  It turned out perfect and Noah LOVES it! :)  YAH! 

Jordyn has also started to WALK!  Eeks!  She is totally on the move and wants NOTHING to do with people holding her now.  Such a little sassy thing.  She is just full of spice.  The boys were not nearly this spirited at this age! LOL!  And she doesn't just want to walk--she wants to RUN.  Seriously.  She is MOVING and there is NO stopping her!  She has also decided that napping is not her thing :(  Poor girl was so tired tonight she went to bed at like 6:30. 

Kindergarten is good.  2nd job is good.  Justin is good.  We are good.  Life is good.  :) soon as I get the pictures uploaded I will update this post!  However, my new computer is taking forever to upload them!  So stay tuned!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

When you love what you do...

I am now 9+ weeks into my 1st year teaching kindergarten at my school.  In the beginning it was a lot of work, however....I loved it.  It is still a lot of work...but I STILL love it.  I am just in love with teaching Kindergarten.  I LOVE it.  I love the age, I love the content, I love that I can have fun with my students and be silly and talk about my kids and they love it.  We have so much fun--and my students seem to all enjoy school!

Ever heard the saying "When you love the work you do, you don't work a day in your life?"  That's totally how I feel.  As a working mom I often think about being a stay-at-home Mom.  While I definitely would love the freedom and the opportunities to spend and stay with my trio--I honestly LOVE what I am doing--so it doesn't feel like I am going to work.  Ya, I don't exactly like getting up every morning and it gets daunting day after day.  BUT--my Mom does such an amazing job with not only the boys but with Jordyn.  And Jordyn absolutely loves her grandma (the boys do too!).  I know they are in such great hands!

As a working mom I think about all the things I am "missing" out on--but, then I think about all the experiences I am having at school.  When a student who has been struggling starts making HUGE strides (true story here!), when they are constantly sharing stories with you, when you celebrate loosing a tooth!  When you can be silly and crazy while learning to count to 8!  And then, I realize...

I am right where I need to be.  A mom to three AND a kindergarten teacher.  Because by golly gosh--I love my trio AND my kindergarten students!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Bedtime randoms :)

Justin and I have always snuggled with and stayed with our children until they were asleep.  I guess I shouldn't say always--as there was a time we didn't, but I would say at least ever since Jordyn was born we have.  It's a way to ensure that everyone calms down for the evening and honestly--it's quality time for us.  We often have the best conversations when the boys are avoiding sleep.  And jordyn loves the snuggles and prefers not to fall asleep alone.  I know this isn't right for a lot of people, but it works well for our family.  BUT all that said-I have a lot of time in the evening to sit and think.  It's kind of nice to unwind with them.  Most of the time I think about random stiff.  With the boys I almost always try my hardest to turn my brain off and rest.  Get ready for bed.  It is honestly a rare occasion that whom ever is snuggling with the boys makes it back downstairs! LOL!

Often with Jordyn I sit and play around on my phone and the Internet.  Other times  I take in the moment.  It seems as though she is growing at the speed of light.  That like has taken off on hyper speed!  I  constantly amazed at the new things she learns and the little person she is becoming!  

The boys are doing well!  Owen has done a complete change as far as behaviors at school!!  Which is SOOO awesome to hear.  He is also remembering what is being taught!  I am so glad that we didn't wait any longer!!  At this rate he will be able to graduate from his resource classes in no time :). (He has resource services due to his preschool IEP!  And trust me-it's better to provide those services then to take them away and he need them later on!). He is just doing so well!  Noah is doing well also!  He loves his teacher and I have been enjoying listening to him reading more challenging books :). He seems to be making great progress!  Now to make sure we practice his spelling words!  Spelling is not his best subject (nor is it mine by a long shot!). Poor Noah had a massive migraine tonight :(. But as of 9pm he woke up feeling a bit better!  He is back to sleep but I am sure will be starving by the morning!  

School is going so well for me!  Seriously I love it!  Assessments and all :). I got a new student today and that is going to be a challenge--BUT--if my job wasn't challenging it would get boring!  Ok-I lied, I don't think my job could ever be boring-but, you get what I mean :)

Justin and I are still struggling with our budget.  It just seems to be out of Wack and we can't seem to get it back in sync :(. The next few weeks I think we are going to go to all cash envelopes just to get it back on track.  Hopefully that will help!

Anyway this mobile update stuff is driving me crazy so I am going to wrap this baby up! Have a great one yall!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Unprocessed October 2014

Justin and I have been slowly embarking on eating healthier.  It's been a VERY slow process.  Especially for Justin.  Whole foods.  Vegetables.  Cooking from Scratch.  It's something Justin and I have always struggled with.  I love whole foods and vegetables--Justin on the otherhand--runs away screaming like a little school girl at the sight of green anything.  Thankfully--things are changing and he has began trying more and more things.  He even ate an ENTIRE SERVING of peas the other day.  Like woah.  The Justin I met 12 years ago would have NEVER EVER put them anywhere near his mouth! 

When I purchased the 100 Days of Real Food cookbook a few weeks back I was super excited!  I loved that there were super easy, super yummy looking recipes in it.  It was something that we COULD do.  And even with our crazy busy life.  And then my husband started to read it.  Like read it more than I did.  Especially the 1st half of the book--where it talks about all the stuff food has in it.  And ya...HE started to change.

And then...I mentioned the Unprocessed October challenge.  And Justin wasn't sure.  Then, last weekend we had Jordyn's baptism--and we cooked unprocessed foods--easily and quickly.  And, he was sold.  And then last week we got to talking about grocery shopping and finding recipes we could make.  And he found some...lots actually.  That were simple, quick, and sounded delicious. 

Is it going to be easy?  No.  Are we going to be perfect?  No.  (Hello French vanilla creamer I have yet to figure out a better substitute).  BUT--we are going to try.  We are going to put our best foot forward and give it a go.  And we are allowing ourselves one cheat/out to eat meal a week. 

Justin told me last night--that he didn't want to just do 30 days--but for us to make a lifestyle change.  And I totally agree with him--but first--let's get through 30 days! :) 

We are excited and I plan on blogging as we go! :)  It should be a good move and hopefully it will help me shed some of this crazy weight gain that has been going on with me lately!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Crazy but calm

When I posted this on twitter just a few minutes ago it really struck a cord with me.  This weekend has been just that--crazy but calm.  My life in general has been this...crazy but calm.  We are getting in our grooves, settling into new routines and new procedures. 

Teaching has really settled in as well--going from 25 students to 19 has made a HUGE difference and I am surprised at how much calmer it is with 6 fewer students!  At school as well we are finally getting into a good groove and I am just now able to really start into the curriculum.  (Not that I haven't already been doing that--but I feel like we are really going to start digging in now that procedures and behaviors are in check!  Conferences are already this week!! (We do them early so that the older students have a chance to improve on those things that are needed before the end of the quarter/semester) 

Noah is doing well!  He is loving his new teacher and we are back in the groove as far as reading homework.  He is also really starting to find a love of reading and that is just amazing.  We work hard at home to make sure that he is reading and writing as those are the 2 things he struggles the most with at school.  He is still taking meds and they continue to make a huge difference.  His teacher mentioned this week that he struggled a little bit a few days this week so we are going to keep a good eye and adjust if needed.

Owen has had a rougher start to the school year.  He really was (and still to a point is) struggling with attention and being able to attend to the lessons.  Which then makes it extremely difficult for him to do what he needs to do.  At one point he was crawling under tables and refusing to do what the teacher was asking him.  We talked to the dr. and has his teacher take some data--and it was very VERY obvious that he had pretty severe ADHD.  Now, this is nothing we didn't know before.  Preschool is a whole different ball-game.. and Owen has always been very much so "on the go".  ADHD also runs very rampant in our families...and with Noah's history as well...when we went in for his check up we decided the best option at this point is to try meds.  NOW--I completely understand that this is VERY controversial.  We have chosen this because it is the best option for HIM and his academic needs.  Owen wants so badly to do the right thing--he WANTS to be good--he just struggles with having the ability to *stay* in control.  In just over a week it has made a complete AMAZING difference.  Owen is able to attend to his teacher and the lessons she is teaching, he is able to follow directions without having to constantly being redirected.  He is still his silly, fun-loving self.  It has truly been a game changer and I am hopeful that this will be a positive move in the right direction.  They have also added a few services to his IEP just to help him.  That's a positive for Owen about already having an IEP in place--the process to add (or get) services is SOO much simpler.  It's pretty awesome for Owen! :)

Jordyn is getting HUGE.  Seriously--she is already almost 15 months old!  I don't know what happened there--but I just love this stage!  She is such a spirited little one.  And has quite the temper! LOL!  Today we had her baptized so that was awesome!  She did such a great job!  She is trying to walk and will take a few steps here or there--but still prefers crawling! LOL!  Silly goose! 

OOooooo!!  We had some excitement the week before last!  Owen ran into a trash can after boy scouts the Tuesday before last...yep, you guessed it--the trash can won and Owen had a pretty good sized gash on his forehead (which obviously meant that he bled ALL OVER the place...oh so much blood!) Thankfully--they were able to glue it back together!  Whew...that was our first "boys will be boys" trip to the ER! (And not to say that this is something girls can't/don't do, because trust me I am sure that girls do just the same amount of damage to their noggins! LOL!)

Otherwise--life is pretty dandy!  This weekend was crazy in the respect that Friday night I had a passion party and the boys had a football game, yesterday was the Race for Hope 5K, and today was Jordyn's baptism.  However despite the craziness--we have had time to cook, clean, and enjoy each other's company!  It really was crazy but calm! :)

Until next time!  Love ya'll! :)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Long time no blog!

I apologize, life has been insanely busy for me!  Between the first few weeks of school, the boys' first weeks of school, attempting to keep our house sort of clean, trying to cook/eat at home more, and just enjoying life with my family.  

So, what's new?  On Monday my class will go from 25 wonderful students to 19. The district has approved and moved FAST to get a 4th section of kindergarten!  Like-I first heard about this on Tuesday-my other k peers last Friday (I had already left for the evening).  So that is super exciting but super sad at the same time.  I have a great group of students and I had to choose some really great ones to go to the new classroom.  Ugh-it was hard!  But, I know I will see them around!  

Noah is doing really well in school!  He is getting into a nice groove for his classroom!  He is loving 2nd grade and his teacher!

Owen is struggling a bit more.  If anyone knows Owen-you know how stubborn and down right naughty he can get.  It's part of his personality--but I think it's also part Grandma Ginnis! :P. Anyway-he jad been having some trouble, we go to the dr for his annual check-up on Tuesday and will be talking with her about what the best route will be for him.  I am not opposed to going the route of meds as it has made a night and day difference for Noah and Justin also needed meds during his school years.  I just want to make sure it is what's best for Owen.  My mom told me that it's one of those--you won't know if it will make a difference until you try it.  So, we shall see what the dr recommends for him!

Jordyn is stubborn and fiesty as always :). She is growing like a weed and is getting really brave with walking--but nothing full-time.  She will take a few steps here and there.  Otherwise she has such an amazing personality and it is so fun watching her grow and turn into a beautiful, fun loving, sassy toddler! 

Justin is doing well!  Trying to figure out his new role as Cub master for Boy Scouts and at work has been given many "projects" on top of his daily work!  His bosses trust him to get it done and are always happy with his work!  He loves his job and continues to be very happy with what he is doing!  He is also adjusting to life without a 2nd job.  This is pretty much the first time in 7+ years he hasn't worked 2 jobs!

As for me--I am doing well!  I switched up my anxiety meds and it had helped SOO much!  I have been struggling a bit with sleep-but that could be a million different things!  I have also been having some wild dreams! LOL!  I may give some melatonin a try if I can't regulate it on my own!

Overall--life has been a ton of fun and I have really been enjoying it!

Until next time! 

Friday, August 22, 2014

One week down...a lifetime to go :)

A week ago Thursday was my 1st day as an "official" kindergarten teacher!  I LOVE it.  Seriously.  It has been far from stress-free.  And I have a student that is completely placed wrong--but, even with the challenges that I have--it's perfect.  Today we finally got into a groove.  We got our lessons in--we got through the normal things as quick as we are supposed to..I have *extra* time--when normally I am short on time.  It was AMAZING.  Seriously--it was amazing.  And I can't wait to see how the rest of the year unfolds.  I have a few students who are going to need some extra love--and the majority of my class is going to need some pretty intense academics--BUT--I have an amazing group.  And we are going to have a blast I can already tell! :)

Noah AND Owen started school on Thursday.  Yes--BOTH boys started school.   Originally the plan was to have Owen spend another year in preschool--but last week (On Noah's birthday actually) our school decided to split the very large (we are talking 28 in our teeny tiny school district) into 2 small classes.  With this decision Owen's preschool teacher called me almost immediately to see what our thoughts were.  Owen is sort-of ready.  Yes--he isn't perfect, he doesn't know all his letters or numbers--but he loves school and loves learning.  And he is SMART.  He will catch up and as long as his teacher is able to get through to him, he will do such a great job.  He is as ready as he will ever be :)  His teacher agree's and the biggest reason for holding him back is because he wouldn't do well in a class of 25+. 

Noah is now in 2nd grade!!  Crazy right?!?!  Here he is Thursday morning:
He is SOO excited for 2nd grade!  I can't wait to see how the year turns out! :)

Here is Mr. Owen!  He was SOOO nervous for his 1st day--but he did such an amazing job and is totally pumped up for Kindergarten!
And here they are together! :)  So excited for school!

Funny note to that--I currently have 25 and we are getting new kindergarteners every day.  Although I have 1 student moving to another classroom and another that I was told today is going to a different school because downtown denied their transfer into our school :(  I like the idea of 23--but it won't last long I am sure!!

A week full of school 1st and lots of fun!  I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! :)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Happy 7th Birthday Noah!!

My big man is turning 7 today!  I am absolutely amazed at how much he has grown, changed, and become such an admirable young man!  He has had his fair share of struggles--and still can be tough sometimes--but he is such an amazing soul.  He loves deeper than many, worries like I do, and cares so so so much about so many different people/things.  It's amazing.  Noah will be starting 2nd grade next week!!  It's amazing to think he is already 7 and in 2nd grade!!  Wowzers!

From my baby:
To my big boy!

Happy Birthday to my leading man!! :) 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

When you run without technology!

I am the person who ALWAYS runs with music.  I ALWAYS have my phone when I run.  A pair of headphones and a great pandora station to listen to.  If I am not listening to music I am usually running with someone--and even then when Dad and I run races together I often find myself listening to music. 

Last night--my dear darling children built a fort in our living room--and enjoyed a "movie in" aka--netflix on my phone.  They were getting along, having fun, and enjoying whatever they were watching (ironically enough I believe my BOYS were watching Barbie's Dream house.  :P)  When the rain let up and Justin (my wonderful husband) said he wanted to run--I asked him (ok--told him really) that I would prefer to go.  I hadn't been running in almost a week--rain, heat, humidity, dizziness, and a whole slew of other things had prevented me from running.  I NEEDED to get out there.  I was super crabby and just needed some space.  Well, I started getting ready and asked the boys for my phone.  I got it and the bar was barely there.  So--I plugged it in...4%.  Crap.  I got ready, and checked it again.  6%. Crap again.  There was no way I could go on a 30 minute run with that battery.  So--I had to make a choice--run sans technology or not run at all.  For the forementioned reasons...I choose to run.

And run I did.  It was INCREDIBLE.  I have been using the couch-to-5K app for my runs.  I LOVE the Couch to 5K.  It's such a wonderful app for many many reasons.  BUT--since I didn't have my phone--and I was only armed with my handy dandy polar watch (which I got a few weeks back and really like!) I figured I would take a tip from an article I read the other day: run until you can't run, walk until you are in control, and repeat.  So--that was my plan.  I have a 2ish mile route I use for my runs.  So I set out.  I walked until I got to the road I usually begin running on...gotta warm up my legs a little bit.  It was actually kind of chilly out!  I was surprised!  I walked for about 4:30.  Then I started running.  Slow and steady was my goal.  Keeping my breathing under control.  Make it to the end of the road. (The road turns)  I could do it. 

I made it to the end of the road.  I was feeling good--in control.  My legs were a little tired--but I was in control.  I wasn't going fast by any means!  Heck I was actually going quite slow.  BUT--I wanted to maintain the control.  So I continued.  Could I make it to the sign?  Got it!  Still feeling alright--my legs were a little bit better--still in control.  Could I make it to 10 minutes of straight running?  Yep.  Got it!!  I was excited about that--I debated at this point what I wanted to do.  If I wanted to keep running or start alternating running and walking.  I assessed myself--how did my legs feel?  Actually good--I could even push a little bit harder!  How is my breathing?  Wow, I am really in sync and my breathing is in control.  How am I feeling overall?  Strong.  I kept going.

And going.  And going.  I kept finding my legs going in and out of strength vs. tired.  I pushed through--reminding myself that it gets better--don't stop now.  I made it to my usual "ending" point on the couch to 5K app...and kept running.  My goal--the house for sale on my route.  I made it--could I make it to the house with the ramp?  Eeks!  I am getting there!  At this point...I was past running a full 20 minutes.  I haven't done that in AGES!!!  AND I was still feeling good--my legs were feeling good.  I was in control.

I ended up running all the way home.  Not stopping until I hit my front steps!  I was SHOCKED!!  I hadn't run like that in a LONG LONG time.  It felt good.  I felt IN CONTROL.  I was in a groove.  Even after I finished--I contemplated running the last 4 minutes to make it to 30 minutes.  However, I was already home and I could hear Jordyn fussing inside.  I walked a little bit to let my body cool down--and then went inside and stretched.

So...why did I write this huge blog post?  Well--not only am I super proud of my controlled run.  I have to say--running sans technology was pretty amazing.  I enjoyed being one with myself and nature.  I enjoyed hearing my foot steps.  I enjoyed just running.  No distractions.  I felt like I was more in control--and less likely to give up.  I was pushing myself--constantly evaluating how I felt and how my breathing was.  Listening closely to my body's signals.  I really think--I am going to start running sans technology.  It was exhilarating and refreshing! 

Have you ever ran sans technology?!  What did you think?  Would you do it again?

(On a side note--while I plan on running sans technology--I won't *really* be running completely sans technology like I did yesterday.  As I will carry my phone to be safe.  If something happened to me I would want to be able to call for help or have someone be able to track me!)

Monday, July 28, 2014

2014 Running Race Season

I posted about falling off the cart!  I have slowly gotten back on.  Doing a workout here or there--BUT, I am REALLY motivated now.  Not only to loose some weight--but I also need to get back into my running groove!  I love running.  I love the freedom and the act of being able to run.  It doesn't give me a "high" or anything else.  I just love doing it--I have always ran for my Grandma who passed away from Oral, Head, and Neck cancer--but it is so much more than that.  I run because I love a few specific races, I run because I love the challenge that new races bring.  I run because I LOVE doing it with my Dad.  I run because I love having that connection with my husband and brother. 

I have 2 races that I have run (and will run) EVERY year since I started running 3 years ago.  The 1st is coming up fast in September.  It's the Race for Hope.  This is VERY special for me--not only does it encompass the reason I started running in the 1st place--but is also for an AMAZING and LOCAL cause!  This race is for our Cancer center.  It's a small-ish 5K run that is just amazing.  I love the atmosphere, I love the path, I love the people.  I just love it.  The boys have also ran the "fun run" the last 2 years (not the 1st though!) And they look forward to it as well!  It is by far my favorite run. Here is our last 3 years of running:

Race for Hope 2011--My dad, me, my husband
Race for hope 2012--Me and my brother (My dad couldn't make it in and my husband was injured!)
Race for Hope 2013
My running partner and I! :) 2013

The 2nd race I have run every year since starting is called the "Hot Chocolate" race.  It's in Chicago and SOO much fun!  It has awesome swag every year and at the end of the race you get the most delish chocolate fondue and hot chocolate!  Yum! :)  This race is in November every year--and the last 3 years I have ran the 5K but this year we are doing the 15K!  (Because they are giving away medals for the 15K! LOL!).  I LOVE this race and it is MUCH MUCH bigger than the Race for Hope--but tons of fun!
Hot Chocolate 2011--My brother, me, my Dad

Hot Chocolate 2012--My dad, me, my husband, my brother

Hot Chocolate 2013--My brother, my husband, me, my Dad
We love running together and I can't wait to get back into the groove! :)  My "goal" is to be 1/2 marathon ready by mid-October.  I don't know how achievable that will be--but I want to be well on my way to training for it!  BUT first I need to get to the 5K distance! :) 

So yep--there you have it!  I am so excited--the races for this year are the Race for Hope (Sept. 20th) and the Hot Chocolate 15K (Nov. 9th).  I am sure there will be other's--but those are the 2 that we do EVERY year.  And we love them.  (Ok--I love them! LOL!)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Dreams: Big and Small

I am currently participating in a Piyo Challenge group.  This is a way that I can be accountable and be with others who are doing the same thing, motivating me and others, and just doing it with other people!  Every day we have "challenges" ways to motivate and stay's challenge is my inspiration for this post! :)  I posted this on my facebook already--but I felt compelled to elaborate on each of my goals!  Now, there are more goals--but these are the most forefront in my mind.   Here is the picture:
And here is the ellaboration!
1) Loose weight.  This is pretty self explanitory--however, I feel the need to say that I need to loose a LOT of weight.  Far more than I want to admit.  Through healthier eating, exercise, and general weight concious decisions I hope to slowly but surely loose the weight and get down to my "feel good" weight of 140.  At this weight I feel thin, happy, and healthy.  It's a weight I can maintain without feeling deprived or that I have to work extra hard to maintain.  Now to get down to it!

2) Get debt free!  Definitely a dream/goal for Justin and I.  We have a SUBSTANTIAL amount of student loans and a chunk of credit card debt.  Slowly but surely we are working towards this!

3) CONFIDENTLY run 13.1--I have ran 13.1 before, however it was anything but fabulous.  It was miserable honestly.  If my dad wasn't there pushing me through--I dont' know that I would have made it to the finish line!  Seriously!  My goal is to train hard and run confidently through a 1/2 marathon!

4) Take an anniversary trip.  I would love to take a long trip for our 10 year anniversary--it's in 2016 so we have plenty of time to plan it--but I want it to be in a beautiful place where we can relax and enjoy WITHOUT the kids!

5) Get my snowflake/family tattoo!  This really has a double meaning.  I want to complete our family circle--whatever that may mean for us.  And I also do want to get my snowflake/infinity symbol tattoo.  It will have 3 snowflakes for the kiddo's and an infinity symbol.  Some mish-mash of that anyway.

6) Add a (bed)room or 2 in the basement!  This is a dream.  We would love to add at least 1 bedroom downstairs. and Justin and I do plan on doing this--but at this point--it's just a dream.  Hopefully debt free and bedrooms in the basement will come sooner than later!  For right now--we are just fine--but as the boys get older it will be nice for them to have a bit more space!

7) Take a family vacation!  We take lots of family trips--and lots of trips with our parents.  However, I would LOVE to take a vacation with just us as a family.  Maybe Disney, maybe the ocean, maybe Texas.  Who knows--but it's definitely a dream/goal! :)

Yep..that's the jist! :)  I hope you have enjoyed reading about my dreams/goals for the future!  We shall see what the future has in store for us!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The cart is getting away!

Seriously!  I had been doing SOO well for several weeks and although I wasn't loosing any weight I was feeling better!  Cue last week....Monday I had a HORRIBLE headache.  I don't think my head has hurt that bad in a LONG time.  I tried everything "natural" and finally gave in to a massive dose of motrin and it helped--but I still had a residual headache on Tuesday.  Monday night as I was falling asleep I had horrible visions and my anxiety SKYROCKETED.  And I think in my sleep I ended up having a mini-panic attack because Tuesday morning I woke up and my chest was VERY tight.  I skipped my workout Tuesday due to that--and attempted to make up for lost time on Wednesday--but only got through 1 workout before my chest still being tight got the best of me.  Thursday was a run in Des Moines--Friday I was lazy and yesterday I cleaned the carpet. And today I was working. 

So this week--I definitely fell short of my Piyo goals :(  I had some super awesome new workouts to try--but I just didn't get to them.  For one reason or another.  Or for one EXCUSE or another.  :( 

So here it is--this weeks goals:
1) Drink a GALLON of water a day.  Yes, a GALLON.  This is the perfect week to do this because I am not in school and I don't have anything planned.  It is going to be SUPER hot tomorrow so you bet your bottom dollar I am staying inside.
2) Do Piyo according to plan!  Everyday except Friday!
3) Maybe get out for a run! :)

We shall see how they go!  Bring on the water (and trips to the bathroom! LOL!)

This week I am also planning on going and working on my kindergarten classroom!  Eeks!  I am pumped!  The boys are going with Grandma to Papa's house for the week!  So it will be just Jordyn, Daddy, and I!  Should be quiet! LOL!

Until next time! :)

Friday, July 11, 2014

So far behind!

I am so sorry ladies and gents.  I am so far behind on blogging it’s not even funny.  I have SOOO much to update on–and so little time to do it.  I feel like the summer has FLOWN by!  Seriously!
So….for right now a quickie:
  • Jordyn (baby girl) had a fabulous birthday party last weekend!  It was perfect!

  •  Owen (little man) turned FIVE on Monday!!  FIVE you guys!  I just can’t believe it!  We celebrated with pizza and a stay at home day for me! :)  It was perfect!
  • Summer school has been rough.  Seriously rough. However, 4 more days and its over!  And then just a few short weeks and it will be time for school to start!
  • Eeks!  Hard to believe school will be starting so quickly!  I have a TON of work to do in my new KINDERGARTEN room!
  • I have started Piyo (a new beachbody workout program) and I love it!  I am not loosing weight–but hopefully with time it will start coming off!  I enjoy getting sweaty though!
  • My cousin just posted about buying a new house–it’s beautiful and I am so excited for her and her family!  Although she won’t ever see this–and won’t talk to me anymore–I am still excited for her!  It’s an exciting time!
  • Grad school=sucky.  That’s all about that.
Ok….off to do my workout and head to bed!  The boys and Justin are camping out this weekend for boy scouts and I am chilling at home with little miss! :)  Have a great one!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

My momma and I!

This post is officially dedicated to my momma.  I know--cheesy right??  Sort of.  My momma rocks my socks off.

You see I could probably tell you a million reasons why she is amazing--but I will just name a few.

She is amazing because she is my friend.  More than my friend--she is my supporter and someone I know will tell it to me straight.

She is amazing because she loves my children like she loved us.  Maybe even more!  She watches my children without even a 2nd thought.  We joked about how we pay her for daycare and she turns around and spends it on my kids!!  We only half joked though because it's mostly true! 

She takes me gambling!  It's become some sort of tradition--we have "our" games and we have a lot of fun.  It's something I truly cherish between us.

She is amazing, strong, and a wonderful person.  She is patient with my children when I just want to strangle them.

Needless to say--I have a pretty amazing momma!!  :). 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Justin and I used to be runners.  Actually I used to be a runner, Justin still runs.  I loved (and still do love) running...however, I have put on a LOT of extra weight since getting pregnant with Jordyn.  And I find running extremely difficult for me.  I need to get in the groove but I am not a warm weather lover.  In fact--I would take a crisp cold day over a hot muggy day in an instant.  So...its been difficult.  Plus--I find running hard because mentally I want to run run run, but physically it is a LOT harder.  Ugh.

So, the other day Justin's co-worker had gotten a deal for the P90X3 video's and asked him if he wanted them.  He was able to donate plasma to get the extra money easily and so he went ahead and got the video's.  He started them while I was in Rockford--but lost momentum and fell off the track while I was gone.  We re-started them last week TOGETHER.  It has actually been really good.  I have about 50lbs to loose to be where I want to be physically and weight wise.  At that weight I am very close to "normal" range as far as health goes--and I feel the best at that weight.  I would love to loose closer to 60--however, that weight is hard for me to maintain long-term.  So, 50lbs is my ultimate goal. 

Right now--however, my goal is 2 lbs a week.  It is going to take a long while to get to 50lbs...but little by little I hope to get there.  My biggest goal is to fit back into my dress pants!!  I am hoping and praying before the new school year that will be accomplished!! :)

So--we started P90X3 and it has been great!  It's HARD and definitely a challenge!  The greatest thing for me is that it is only 30 minutes.  Which is FABULOUS!  I can fit 30 minutes in! 

Anywho...I best get to my workout and head to bed!! :)  Summer school comes bright and early!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thursday Three

How about a Thursday three??

Three interesting facts about me....

1) Even though I am a teacher I was never a reader.  In fact....that's why I started teaching.  I started teaching so that I could teach children to absolutely love reading.  HOWEVER, that being said--this last school year I read all 7 of the Harry Potter books and 3 of the 4 Percy Jackson books--along with a few other books in there!  I have really grown to love reading and I absolutely love the ease of reading on the boys' Kindle Fires!

2) Daddy and I started P90X3 last night!  Holy moly!  I have about 50lbs to loose to be where I want to be--55-60 to be at my "wishful thinking" weight.  Ugh.  So far to go!  BUT--I know I can do it--a lot of the weight I am carrying is from having Baby Girl and not really being able to get back in a groove again.  And--I know that I have to think in small goals--looking at the big picture is overwhelming!  My 1st goal is 2-3 lbs this week.  That will be my manageable goal for each week.  I will be happy to see 2-3lbs per week.  More would be awesome--but I know that the study says an even 2-3lbs per week is ideal.  Le sigh.

3) Our family fosters basset hounds for a local rescue!  I absolutely love the breed--so fun and loving.  However we have a naughty female foster at the moment.  We will be glad when she is adopted.  We were "foster fellers" with our 1st basset hound--we adopted him and he is such a wonderful part of our family!  He is SOOO good with the kids and especially Baby Girl.  Although he seems to be grumpy with us that we left him for a week and a half.  Silly dogs.

So there you have my Thursday Three! :)  Until next time have a great one! :)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Meet the snowflakes

So these first few posts will be boring if you already know me--but if you don't--welcome and feel free to "get to know" me :)

We are a happy family of 5!
Here is Daddy and I :)
We were married in December 2006 and have been together since March of 2002!  We were high school sweethearts and have definitely had our ups and downs.  We have also had to "grow up and mature" in our relationship and how we do things.  It's not always easy, but it is definitely always worth it!  Daddy is a drafter and I am a teacher!

Meet my big man :)
The dude is continually amazing me.  He is 6-to be 7 in August.  He is our big man and oldest.  His personality is amazing and he has such a caring heart and outgoing personality.  He LOVES singing, dancing, and all things performing!  Big man will be in 2nd grade next year!

Meet my little man:
This goof ball is 4 soon to be 5 in July!  Little man is such a silly dude.  He says the craziest stuff and is always learning and growing!  He is a puzzle MASTER and can do just about any puzzle you put his way!  We just bought a 300 piece puzzle to work with him on as 100 piece puzzles while difficult, once he does them once he can do them over and over again.  Little man will be in preschool next year as he isn't quite ready for kindergarten and next year our school is having a less than favorable situation in K so we decided it would be best for him to stay with his current teacher another year! 

And last but definitely not least-meet Baby girl.
Baby girl is currently 11 months old and will turn 1 in July!  She is fiesty and full of sass!  She is loving and crazy!  Her pregnancy was tough and I am still having a tough time rebounding.  Even now almost a year later.  She is growing like a weed and I am constantly amazed by her!  

Until next time! :)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Like woah!

I totally love the iOS app!!  The #1 draw when I switched from Xanga to a different blog was the app!  This is awesome!  So beware--it just might mean I am a posting maniac!! :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hello and Welcome!

I have wanted to start a new blog for awhile.  I was trying to find the perfect blog name--and here it is!  If you have known me for awhile, you know I have an intense love for snowflakes.   It started long long ago--I have always loved winter.  But it REALLY got serious when I got married.  You see, my husband and I got married on December 16th.  Our theme was snowflakes.  And thus started my true love of snowflakes.  I absolutely adore them.  Add in our beautiful snowflakes--2 boys and a girl.  And I have one beautiful snowflake family!  Therefore, here I am--your Snowflake Momma :)

So--why am I blogging?  I absolutely love blogging.  I have blogged a long time on Xanga and found an amazing community of people.  I loved keeping up with those I loved and met along the way!  I love reading blogs and I love keeping up with people!  When Xanga closed a little over a year ago--I have struggled to find that community.  And honestly--I have found that I closed off that part of my life to many many people.  Having a public blog is going to be an adventure!

I bet ya'll are wondering what the heck I will blog about?  Well, lots and lots of things.  From being a momma to an almost 2nd grader, a preschooler, and an infant-almost toddler and the adventures we have.  I have been exploring being more "natural" and making things for myself.  I am a teacher on a new adventure next year (moving from Special Ed to my dream job of Kindergarten).  I am also a sort-of runner.  After having a difficult pregnancy from 27 weeks on with Baby Girl I have really struggled with getting back into training.  I absolutely love running but I am just having a hard time getting into a routine again!  Along with lots of other things!

I hope you enjoy my blog and keeping up with this Snowflake Momma!  Until next time! :)