Monday, July 28, 2014

2014 Running Race Season

I posted about falling off the cart!  I have slowly gotten back on.  Doing a workout here or there--BUT, I am REALLY motivated now.  Not only to loose some weight--but I also need to get back into my running groove!  I love running.  I love the freedom and the act of being able to run.  It doesn't give me a "high" or anything else.  I just love doing it--I have always ran for my Grandma who passed away from Oral, Head, and Neck cancer--but it is so much more than that.  I run because I love a few specific races, I run because I love the challenge that new races bring.  I run because I LOVE doing it with my Dad.  I run because I love having that connection with my husband and brother. 

I have 2 races that I have run (and will run) EVERY year since I started running 3 years ago.  The 1st is coming up fast in September.  It's the Race for Hope.  This is VERY special for me--not only does it encompass the reason I started running in the 1st place--but is also for an AMAZING and LOCAL cause!  This race is for our Cancer center.  It's a small-ish 5K run that is just amazing.  I love the atmosphere, I love the path, I love the people.  I just love it.  The boys have also ran the "fun run" the last 2 years (not the 1st though!) And they look forward to it as well!  It is by far my favorite run. Here is our last 3 years of running:

Race for Hope 2011--My dad, me, my husband
Race for hope 2012--Me and my brother (My dad couldn't make it in and my husband was injured!)
Race for Hope 2013
My running partner and I! :) 2013

The 2nd race I have run every year since starting is called the "Hot Chocolate" race.  It's in Chicago and SOO much fun!  It has awesome swag every year and at the end of the race you get the most delish chocolate fondue and hot chocolate!  Yum! :)  This race is in November every year--and the last 3 years I have ran the 5K but this year we are doing the 15K!  (Because they are giving away medals for the 15K! LOL!).  I LOVE this race and it is MUCH MUCH bigger than the Race for Hope--but tons of fun!
Hot Chocolate 2011--My brother, me, my Dad

Hot Chocolate 2012--My dad, me, my husband, my brother

Hot Chocolate 2013--My brother, my husband, me, my Dad
We love running together and I can't wait to get back into the groove! :)  My "goal" is to be 1/2 marathon ready by mid-October.  I don't know how achievable that will be--but I want to be well on my way to training for it!  BUT first I need to get to the 5K distance! :) 

So yep--there you have it!  I am so excited--the races for this year are the Race for Hope (Sept. 20th) and the Hot Chocolate 15K (Nov. 9th).  I am sure there will be other's--but those are the 2 that we do EVERY year.  And we love them.  (Ok--I love them! LOL!)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Dreams: Big and Small

I am currently participating in a Piyo Challenge group.  This is a way that I can be accountable and be with others who are doing the same thing, motivating me and others, and just doing it with other people!  Every day we have "challenges" ways to motivate and stay's challenge is my inspiration for this post! :)  I posted this on my facebook already--but I felt compelled to elaborate on each of my goals!  Now, there are more goals--but these are the most forefront in my mind.   Here is the picture:
And here is the ellaboration!
1) Loose weight.  This is pretty self explanitory--however, I feel the need to say that I need to loose a LOT of weight.  Far more than I want to admit.  Through healthier eating, exercise, and general weight concious decisions I hope to slowly but surely loose the weight and get down to my "feel good" weight of 140.  At this weight I feel thin, happy, and healthy.  It's a weight I can maintain without feeling deprived or that I have to work extra hard to maintain.  Now to get down to it!

2) Get debt free!  Definitely a dream/goal for Justin and I.  We have a SUBSTANTIAL amount of student loans and a chunk of credit card debt.  Slowly but surely we are working towards this!

3) CONFIDENTLY run 13.1--I have ran 13.1 before, however it was anything but fabulous.  It was miserable honestly.  If my dad wasn't there pushing me through--I dont' know that I would have made it to the finish line!  Seriously!  My goal is to train hard and run confidently through a 1/2 marathon!

4) Take an anniversary trip.  I would love to take a long trip for our 10 year anniversary--it's in 2016 so we have plenty of time to plan it--but I want it to be in a beautiful place where we can relax and enjoy WITHOUT the kids!

5) Get my snowflake/family tattoo!  This really has a double meaning.  I want to complete our family circle--whatever that may mean for us.  And I also do want to get my snowflake/infinity symbol tattoo.  It will have 3 snowflakes for the kiddo's and an infinity symbol.  Some mish-mash of that anyway.

6) Add a (bed)room or 2 in the basement!  This is a dream.  We would love to add at least 1 bedroom downstairs. and Justin and I do plan on doing this--but at this point--it's just a dream.  Hopefully debt free and bedrooms in the basement will come sooner than later!  For right now--we are just fine--but as the boys get older it will be nice for them to have a bit more space!

7) Take a family vacation!  We take lots of family trips--and lots of trips with our parents.  However, I would LOVE to take a vacation with just us as a family.  Maybe Disney, maybe the ocean, maybe Texas.  Who knows--but it's definitely a dream/goal! :)

Yep..that's the jist! :)  I hope you have enjoyed reading about my dreams/goals for the future!  We shall see what the future has in store for us!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The cart is getting away!

Seriously!  I had been doing SOO well for several weeks and although I wasn't loosing any weight I was feeling better!  Cue last week....Monday I had a HORRIBLE headache.  I don't think my head has hurt that bad in a LONG time.  I tried everything "natural" and finally gave in to a massive dose of motrin and it helped--but I still had a residual headache on Tuesday.  Monday night as I was falling asleep I had horrible visions and my anxiety SKYROCKETED.  And I think in my sleep I ended up having a mini-panic attack because Tuesday morning I woke up and my chest was VERY tight.  I skipped my workout Tuesday due to that--and attempted to make up for lost time on Wednesday--but only got through 1 workout before my chest still being tight got the best of me.  Thursday was a run in Des Moines--Friday I was lazy and yesterday I cleaned the carpet. And today I was working. 

So this week--I definitely fell short of my Piyo goals :(  I had some super awesome new workouts to try--but I just didn't get to them.  For one reason or another.  Or for one EXCUSE or another.  :( 

So here it is--this weeks goals:
1) Drink a GALLON of water a day.  Yes, a GALLON.  This is the perfect week to do this because I am not in school and I don't have anything planned.  It is going to be SUPER hot tomorrow so you bet your bottom dollar I am staying inside.
2) Do Piyo according to plan!  Everyday except Friday!
3) Maybe get out for a run! :)

We shall see how they go!  Bring on the water (and trips to the bathroom! LOL!)

This week I am also planning on going and working on my kindergarten classroom!  Eeks!  I am pumped!  The boys are going with Grandma to Papa's house for the week!  So it will be just Jordyn, Daddy, and I!  Should be quiet! LOL!

Until next time! :)

Friday, July 11, 2014

So far behind!

I am so sorry ladies and gents.  I am so far behind on blogging it’s not even funny.  I have SOOO much to update on–and so little time to do it.  I feel like the summer has FLOWN by!  Seriously!
So….for right now a quickie:
  • Jordyn (baby girl) had a fabulous birthday party last weekend!  It was perfect!

  •  Owen (little man) turned FIVE on Monday!!  FIVE you guys!  I just can’t believe it!  We celebrated with pizza and a stay at home day for me! :)  It was perfect!
  • Summer school has been rough.  Seriously rough. However, 4 more days and its over!  And then just a few short weeks and it will be time for school to start!
  • Eeks!  Hard to believe school will be starting so quickly!  I have a TON of work to do in my new KINDERGARTEN room!
  • I have started Piyo (a new beachbody workout program) and I love it!  I am not loosing weight–but hopefully with time it will start coming off!  I enjoy getting sweaty though!
  • My cousin just posted about buying a new house–it’s beautiful and I am so excited for her and her family!  Although she won’t ever see this–and won’t talk to me anymore–I am still excited for her!  It’s an exciting time!
  • Grad school=sucky.  That’s all about that.
Ok….off to do my workout and head to bed!  The boys and Justin are camping out this weekend for boy scouts and I am chilling at home with little miss! :)  Have a great one!