Thursday, November 13, 2014

Heated Floors and much much more!

If you ever have the option to get a bathroom (or kitchen) with heated floors DO IT.  And you don't have to thank me! LOL! :)  We LOVE our heated tile floors!  Seriously--there are times that we are freezing and walk into the bathroom and it is warm and cozy.  The floor is warm and the whole room just is cozy.  The other night I was struggling with a tight chest--the floor was on, the heat was on, and I ran what was going to be a bath with some essential oils (but I ended up just hanging out in the bathroom) and it was helpful and warm and soothing.  Jordyn even joined me in the bathroom for a long time--and I caught this super duper cute picture of her:

This weekend we had to change our plans for the Hot Chocolate race.  Originally we wanted to run the 15K.  However, I hadn't trained at all and time (and motivation) just wasn't there.  I was prepared for the 5K.  Slowly but surely I could do it--and it would be fun!  Justin was even going to run with us!  HOWEVER, something came up and my mom needed to stay home.  Mom watches the kids when we run--SO, not having her there put us in a predicament.  SOO--we did decided to WALK the Little City 3K walk.  So--we signed up the boys and made sure we could take a stroller on the course.  And we had a BLAST.  We left Friday about 6 and got to my Dad's about 3ish.  Left for Chicago about noon on Saturday and enjoyed the expo and China Town.  Ate some absolutely amazing pizza and headed back to the hotel for the night!  The race was a ton of fun but COLD.  Jordyn was SOO COLD by the end of it.  We got back and came back on Sunday evening.  Got home about Monday!  I got to snuggle and relax on Monday!  Woot! :)

Christmas is coming!  I am excited--but it also is a bit stressful!  This year the boys are getting a big gift together---and then a few small gifts.  I think Jordyn is going to get a potty! LOL!  And a few other things from us!  We always get Christmas PJ's, socks, and underwear for everyone!  It's the yearly replenishment! LOL!  And we will probably get each of them a new outfit.  But honestly--my mom and mother-in-law are really good shoppers and they won't need much else.  Like I said--the boys are getting a big big gift and so that's the big thing from us! :)  I got Justin wireless Beats earlier in the year--but I will probably get him something small.  He has most everything he could ever want so...

This Thanksgiving will be interesting as far as scheduling for my 2nd job goes.  I will be interested to see what my hours are as we are open a typical holiday day on the day after and open for about 8 hours the day of Thanksgiving.  It will be interesting how the day unfolds.

Owen is doing basketball this year!!!  Ya, we haven't EVER done basketball as Noah wasn't ever interested (and still isn't) but, Owen WANTED to do it--and kept asking about it!  So why not right?!  LOL!  It will be an interesting adventure that's for sure!

We had conferences for the boys last week!  Both boys are doing well--Owen is in the right placement as far as Kindergarten and resource services--and Noah is doing well in 2nd grade!  Of course both boys are really doing very very well in Math (Noah was the only student who got an A+ on his last math test!)--and struggle more with reading.  Both Justin and I are not strong readers and struggled in school with reading as well--so it comes as no surprise.  They are doing well and Noah's teacher said she is noticing him having more difficulties with concentrating.  Much like what was happening for him last year when we STARTED his meds--so I called today and we are going to adjust accordingly. 

My classroom is going well!  I need to do some re-teaching of expectations I think.  As a class we are struggling with just basic rules and procedures.  I think partly because we have gotten into a groove and partly because they are getting lax about what they know they are supposed to be doing. Overall I still love it and it's going well! :)

Jordyn is lovely.  Crazy and stubborn.  And WALKING!! FINALLY! LOL!   And she isn't slowing down anytime soon!  She is trying to run with her brothers and its funny!  She has also mastered going up AND down the stairs.  She will sometimes sneak upstairs--but we watch her go down the stairs although she did perfect tonight!  The boys are also always looking after her!  OH--and she is giving lots of kisses lately! Love it!  She is at such fun age!

Anyway--this has gotten so long!  I hope you all have a fabulous Friday! :)