Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fall Fun :)

With Fall upon us I find that it is a wondeful time of year for our family.  There is so much to get out and do, the weather has been absolutely to die for, and it is just a great time of year to be with each other.  Work has settled in and my 2nd job isn't crazy yet (it's retail).

This October we have done so much--but in particular we went to a pumpkin patch called Vala's.  It's in the same area that my in-laws live and its a HUGE pumpkin patch.  The downside is that it is pricey but--we spent 6 HOURS there and only got to HALF of the pumpkin patch.  Now mind you we took it slow, but still!  It was a TON of fun!  I have pictures so stay tuned!

October is also halloween party month!  This year Jordyn is a fairy/butterfy, Owen is Captain America, and Noah is my mom's dog Bailey (whom he loves dearly!).  This past week we had our annual trick or treat event at the school I teach at!  It was a ton of fun and the boys had a BLAST!  However, I hadn't gotten a chance to do Noah's costume yet.  A few years back I made Owen a dalmation costume to match Noah's fire fighter costume!  It was super easy so I knew HOW to make it--but I just hadn't gotten the time to get the supplies and sit down and do it.  So--low and behold on Thursday (the night of the event) I went to Walmart to get everything.  My hope was to just be able to get the jist of it done and then I would paint it at a later date.  Well, I was pleasently surprised because I was able to get it all finished by the time the event started!  It turned out perfect and Noah LOVES it! :)  YAH! 

Jordyn has also started to WALK!  Eeks!  She is totally on the move and wants NOTHING to do with people holding her now.  Such a little sassy thing.  She is just full of spice.  The boys were not nearly this spirited at this age! LOL!  And she doesn't just want to walk--she wants to RUN.  Seriously.  She is MOVING and there is NO stopping her!  She has also decided that napping is not her thing :(  Poor girl was so tired tonight she went to bed at like 6:30. 

Kindergarten is good.  2nd job is good.  Justin is good.  We are good.  Life is good.  :) soon as I get the pictures uploaded I will update this post!  However, my new computer is taking forever to upload them!  So stay tuned!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

When you love what you do...

I am now 9+ weeks into my 1st year teaching kindergarten at my school.  In the beginning it was a lot of work, however....I loved it.  It is still a lot of work...but I STILL love it.  I am just in love with teaching Kindergarten.  I LOVE it.  I love the age, I love the content, I love that I can have fun with my students and be silly and talk about my kids and they love it.  We have so much fun--and my students seem to all enjoy school!

Ever heard the saying "When you love the work you do, you don't work a day in your life?"  That's totally how I feel.  As a working mom I often think about being a stay-at-home Mom.  While I definitely would love the freedom and the opportunities to spend and stay with my trio--I honestly LOVE what I am doing--so it doesn't feel like I am going to work.  Ya, I don't exactly like getting up every morning and it gets daunting day after day.  BUT--my Mom does such an amazing job with not only the boys but with Jordyn.  And Jordyn absolutely loves her grandma (the boys do too!).  I know they are in such great hands!

As a working mom I think about all the things I am "missing" out on--but, then I think about all the experiences I am having at school.  When a student who has been struggling starts making HUGE strides (true story here!), when they are constantly sharing stories with you, when you celebrate loosing a tooth!  When you can be silly and crazy while learning to count to 8!  And then, I realize...

I am right where I need to be.  A mom to three AND a kindergarten teacher.  Because by golly gosh--I love my trio AND my kindergarten students!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Bedtime randoms :)

Justin and I have always snuggled with and stayed with our children until they were asleep.  I guess I shouldn't say always--as there was a time we didn't, but I would say at least ever since Jordyn was born we have.  It's a way to ensure that everyone calms down for the evening and honestly--it's quality time for us.  We often have the best conversations when the boys are avoiding sleep.  And jordyn loves the snuggles and prefers not to fall asleep alone.  I know this isn't right for a lot of people, but it works well for our family.  BUT all that said-I have a lot of time in the evening to sit and think.  It's kind of nice to unwind with them.  Most of the time I think about random stiff.  With the boys I almost always try my hardest to turn my brain off and rest.  Get ready for bed.  It is honestly a rare occasion that whom ever is snuggling with the boys makes it back downstairs! LOL!

Often with Jordyn I sit and play around on my phone and the Internet.  Other times  I take in the moment.  It seems as though she is growing at the speed of light.  That like has taken off on hyper speed!  I  constantly amazed at the new things she learns and the little person she is becoming!  

The boys are doing well!  Owen has done a complete change as far as behaviors at school!!  Which is SOOO awesome to hear.  He is also remembering what is being taught!  I am so glad that we didn't wait any longer!!  At this rate he will be able to graduate from his resource classes in no time :). (He has resource services due to his preschool IEP!  And trust me-it's better to provide those services then to take them away and he need them later on!). He is just doing so well!  Noah is doing well also!  He loves his teacher and I have been enjoying listening to him reading more challenging books :). He seems to be making great progress!  Now to make sure we practice his spelling words!  Spelling is not his best subject (nor is it mine by a long shot!). Poor Noah had a massive migraine tonight :(. But as of 9pm he woke up feeling a bit better!  He is back to sleep but I am sure will be starving by the morning!  

School is going so well for me!  Seriously I love it!  Assessments and all :). I got a new student today and that is going to be a challenge--BUT--if my job wasn't challenging it would get boring!  Ok-I lied, I don't think my job could ever be boring-but, you get what I mean :)

Justin and I are still struggling with our budget.  It just seems to be out of Wack and we can't seem to get it back in sync :(. The next few weeks I think we are going to go to all cash envelopes just to get it back on track.  Hopefully that will help!

Anyway this mobile update stuff is driving me crazy so I am going to wrap this baby up! Have a great one yall!