Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fall Fun :)

With Fall upon us I find that it is a wondeful time of year for our family.  There is so much to get out and do, the weather has been absolutely to die for, and it is just a great time of year to be with each other.  Work has settled in and my 2nd job isn't crazy yet (it's retail).

This October we have done so much--but in particular we went to a pumpkin patch called Vala's.  It's in the same area that my in-laws live and its a HUGE pumpkin patch.  The downside is that it is pricey but--we spent 6 HOURS there and only got to HALF of the pumpkin patch.  Now mind you we took it slow, but still!  It was a TON of fun!  I have pictures so stay tuned!

October is also halloween party month!  This year Jordyn is a fairy/butterfy, Owen is Captain America, and Noah is my mom's dog Bailey (whom he loves dearly!).  This past week we had our annual trick or treat event at the school I teach at!  It was a ton of fun and the boys had a BLAST!  However, I hadn't gotten a chance to do Noah's costume yet.  A few years back I made Owen a dalmation costume to match Noah's fire fighter costume!  It was super easy so I knew HOW to make it--but I just hadn't gotten the time to get the supplies and sit down and do it.  So--low and behold on Thursday (the night of the event) I went to Walmart to get everything.  My hope was to just be able to get the jist of it done and then I would paint it at a later date.  Well, I was pleasently surprised because I was able to get it all finished by the time the event started!  It turned out perfect and Noah LOVES it! :)  YAH! 

Jordyn has also started to WALK!  Eeks!  She is totally on the move and wants NOTHING to do with people holding her now.  Such a little sassy thing.  She is just full of spice.  The boys were not nearly this spirited at this age! LOL!  And she doesn't just want to walk--she wants to RUN.  Seriously.  She is MOVING and there is NO stopping her!  She has also decided that napping is not her thing :(  Poor girl was so tired tonight she went to bed at like 6:30. 

Kindergarten is good.  2nd job is good.  Justin is good.  We are good.  Life is good.  :) soon as I get the pictures uploaded I will update this post!  However, my new computer is taking forever to upload them!  So stay tuned!

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