Thursday, June 19, 2014

My momma and I!

This post is officially dedicated to my momma.  I know--cheesy right??  Sort of.  My momma rocks my socks off.

You see I could probably tell you a million reasons why she is amazing--but I will just name a few.

She is amazing because she is my friend.  More than my friend--she is my supporter and someone I know will tell it to me straight.

She is amazing because she loves my children like she loved us.  Maybe even more!  She watches my children without even a 2nd thought.  We joked about how we pay her for daycare and she turns around and spends it on my kids!!  We only half joked though because it's mostly true! 

She takes me gambling!  It's become some sort of tradition--we have "our" games and we have a lot of fun.  It's something I truly cherish between us.

She is amazing, strong, and a wonderful person.  She is patient with my children when I just want to strangle them.

Needless to say--I have a pretty amazing momma!!  :). 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Justin and I used to be runners.  Actually I used to be a runner, Justin still runs.  I loved (and still do love) running...however, I have put on a LOT of extra weight since getting pregnant with Jordyn.  And I find running extremely difficult for me.  I need to get in the groove but I am not a warm weather lover.  In fact--I would take a crisp cold day over a hot muggy day in an instant.  So...its been difficult.  Plus--I find running hard because mentally I want to run run run, but physically it is a LOT harder.  Ugh.

So, the other day Justin's co-worker had gotten a deal for the P90X3 video's and asked him if he wanted them.  He was able to donate plasma to get the extra money easily and so he went ahead and got the video's.  He started them while I was in Rockford--but lost momentum and fell off the track while I was gone.  We re-started them last week TOGETHER.  It has actually been really good.  I have about 50lbs to loose to be where I want to be physically and weight wise.  At that weight I am very close to "normal" range as far as health goes--and I feel the best at that weight.  I would love to loose closer to 60--however, that weight is hard for me to maintain long-term.  So, 50lbs is my ultimate goal. 

Right now--however, my goal is 2 lbs a week.  It is going to take a long while to get to 50lbs...but little by little I hope to get there.  My biggest goal is to fit back into my dress pants!!  I am hoping and praying before the new school year that will be accomplished!! :)

So--we started P90X3 and it has been great!  It's HARD and definitely a challenge!  The greatest thing for me is that it is only 30 minutes.  Which is FABULOUS!  I can fit 30 minutes in! 

Anywho...I best get to my workout and head to bed!! :)  Summer school comes bright and early!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thursday Three

How about a Thursday three??

Three interesting facts about me....

1) Even though I am a teacher I was never a reader.  In fact....that's why I started teaching.  I started teaching so that I could teach children to absolutely love reading.  HOWEVER, that being said--this last school year I read all 7 of the Harry Potter books and 3 of the 4 Percy Jackson books--along with a few other books in there!  I have really grown to love reading and I absolutely love the ease of reading on the boys' Kindle Fires!

2) Daddy and I started P90X3 last night!  Holy moly!  I have about 50lbs to loose to be where I want to be--55-60 to be at my "wishful thinking" weight.  Ugh.  So far to go!  BUT--I know I can do it--a lot of the weight I am carrying is from having Baby Girl and not really being able to get back in a groove again.  And--I know that I have to think in small goals--looking at the big picture is overwhelming!  My 1st goal is 2-3 lbs this week.  That will be my manageable goal for each week.  I will be happy to see 2-3lbs per week.  More would be awesome--but I know that the study says an even 2-3lbs per week is ideal.  Le sigh.

3) Our family fosters basset hounds for a local rescue!  I absolutely love the breed--so fun and loving.  However we have a naughty female foster at the moment.  We will be glad when she is adopted.  We were "foster fellers" with our 1st basset hound--we adopted him and he is such a wonderful part of our family!  He is SOOO good with the kids and especially Baby Girl.  Although he seems to be grumpy with us that we left him for a week and a half.  Silly dogs.

So there you have my Thursday Three! :)  Until next time have a great one! :)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Meet the snowflakes

So these first few posts will be boring if you already know me--but if you don't--welcome and feel free to "get to know" me :)

We are a happy family of 5!
Here is Daddy and I :)
We were married in December 2006 and have been together since March of 2002!  We were high school sweethearts and have definitely had our ups and downs.  We have also had to "grow up and mature" in our relationship and how we do things.  It's not always easy, but it is definitely always worth it!  Daddy is a drafter and I am a teacher!

Meet my big man :)
The dude is continually amazing me.  He is 6-to be 7 in August.  He is our big man and oldest.  His personality is amazing and he has such a caring heart and outgoing personality.  He LOVES singing, dancing, and all things performing!  Big man will be in 2nd grade next year!

Meet my little man:
This goof ball is 4 soon to be 5 in July!  Little man is such a silly dude.  He says the craziest stuff and is always learning and growing!  He is a puzzle MASTER and can do just about any puzzle you put his way!  We just bought a 300 piece puzzle to work with him on as 100 piece puzzles while difficult, once he does them once he can do them over and over again.  Little man will be in preschool next year as he isn't quite ready for kindergarten and next year our school is having a less than favorable situation in K so we decided it would be best for him to stay with his current teacher another year! 

And last but definitely not least-meet Baby girl.
Baby girl is currently 11 months old and will turn 1 in July!  She is fiesty and full of sass!  She is loving and crazy!  Her pregnancy was tough and I am still having a tough time rebounding.  Even now almost a year later.  She is growing like a weed and I am constantly amazed by her!  

Until next time! :)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Like woah!

I totally love the iOS app!!  The #1 draw when I switched from Xanga to a different blog was the app!  This is awesome!  So beware--it just might mean I am a posting maniac!! :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hello and Welcome!

I have wanted to start a new blog for awhile.  I was trying to find the perfect blog name--and here it is!  If you have known me for awhile, you know I have an intense love for snowflakes.   It started long long ago--I have always loved winter.  But it REALLY got serious when I got married.  You see, my husband and I got married on December 16th.  Our theme was snowflakes.  And thus started my true love of snowflakes.  I absolutely adore them.  Add in our beautiful snowflakes--2 boys and a girl.  And I have one beautiful snowflake family!  Therefore, here I am--your Snowflake Momma :)

So--why am I blogging?  I absolutely love blogging.  I have blogged a long time on Xanga and found an amazing community of people.  I loved keeping up with those I loved and met along the way!  I love reading blogs and I love keeping up with people!  When Xanga closed a little over a year ago--I have struggled to find that community.  And honestly--I have found that I closed off that part of my life to many many people.  Having a public blog is going to be an adventure!

I bet ya'll are wondering what the heck I will blog about?  Well, lots and lots of things.  From being a momma to an almost 2nd grader, a preschooler, and an infant-almost toddler and the adventures we have.  I have been exploring being more "natural" and making things for myself.  I am a teacher on a new adventure next year (moving from Special Ed to my dream job of Kindergarten).  I am also a sort-of runner.  After having a difficult pregnancy from 27 weeks on with Baby Girl I have really struggled with getting back into training.  I absolutely love running but I am just having a hard time getting into a routine again!  Along with lots of other things!

I hope you enjoy my blog and keeping up with this Snowflake Momma!  Until next time! :)