Friday, August 22, 2014

One week down...a lifetime to go :)

A week ago Thursday was my 1st day as an "official" kindergarten teacher!  I LOVE it.  Seriously.  It has been far from stress-free.  And I have a student that is completely placed wrong--but, even with the challenges that I have--it's perfect.  Today we finally got into a groove.  We got our lessons in--we got through the normal things as quick as we are supposed to..I have *extra* time--when normally I am short on time.  It was AMAZING.  Seriously--it was amazing.  And I can't wait to see how the rest of the year unfolds.  I have a few students who are going to need some extra love--and the majority of my class is going to need some pretty intense academics--BUT--I have an amazing group.  And we are going to have a blast I can already tell! :)

Noah AND Owen started school on Thursday.  Yes--BOTH boys started school.   Originally the plan was to have Owen spend another year in preschool--but last week (On Noah's birthday actually) our school decided to split the very large (we are talking 28 in our teeny tiny school district) into 2 small classes.  With this decision Owen's preschool teacher called me almost immediately to see what our thoughts were.  Owen is sort-of ready.  Yes--he isn't perfect, he doesn't know all his letters or numbers--but he loves school and loves learning.  And he is SMART.  He will catch up and as long as his teacher is able to get through to him, he will do such a great job.  He is as ready as he will ever be :)  His teacher agree's and the biggest reason for holding him back is because he wouldn't do well in a class of 25+. 

Noah is now in 2nd grade!!  Crazy right?!?!  Here he is Thursday morning:
He is SOO excited for 2nd grade!  I can't wait to see how the year turns out! :)

Here is Mr. Owen!  He was SOOO nervous for his 1st day--but he did such an amazing job and is totally pumped up for Kindergarten!
And here they are together! :)  So excited for school!

Funny note to that--I currently have 25 and we are getting new kindergarteners every day.  Although I have 1 student moving to another classroom and another that I was told today is going to a different school because downtown denied their transfer into our school :(  I like the idea of 23--but it won't last long I am sure!!

A week full of school 1st and lots of fun!  I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! :)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Happy 7th Birthday Noah!!

My big man is turning 7 today!  I am absolutely amazed at how much he has grown, changed, and become such an admirable young man!  He has had his fair share of struggles--and still can be tough sometimes--but he is such an amazing soul.  He loves deeper than many, worries like I do, and cares so so so much about so many different people/things.  It's amazing.  Noah will be starting 2nd grade next week!!  It's amazing to think he is already 7 and in 2nd grade!!  Wowzers!

From my baby:
To my big boy!

Happy Birthday to my leading man!! :) 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

When you run without technology!

I am the person who ALWAYS runs with music.  I ALWAYS have my phone when I run.  A pair of headphones and a great pandora station to listen to.  If I am not listening to music I am usually running with someone--and even then when Dad and I run races together I often find myself listening to music. 

Last night--my dear darling children built a fort in our living room--and enjoyed a "movie in" aka--netflix on my phone.  They were getting along, having fun, and enjoying whatever they were watching (ironically enough I believe my BOYS were watching Barbie's Dream house.  :P)  When the rain let up and Justin (my wonderful husband) said he wanted to run--I asked him (ok--told him really) that I would prefer to go.  I hadn't been running in almost a week--rain, heat, humidity, dizziness, and a whole slew of other things had prevented me from running.  I NEEDED to get out there.  I was super crabby and just needed some space.  Well, I started getting ready and asked the boys for my phone.  I got it and the bar was barely there.  So--I plugged it in...4%.  Crap.  I got ready, and checked it again.  6%. Crap again.  There was no way I could go on a 30 minute run with that battery.  So--I had to make a choice--run sans technology or not run at all.  For the forementioned reasons...I choose to run.

And run I did.  It was INCREDIBLE.  I have been using the couch-to-5K app for my runs.  I LOVE the Couch to 5K.  It's such a wonderful app for many many reasons.  BUT--since I didn't have my phone--and I was only armed with my handy dandy polar watch (which I got a few weeks back and really like!) I figured I would take a tip from an article I read the other day: run until you can't run, walk until you are in control, and repeat.  So--that was my plan.  I have a 2ish mile route I use for my runs.  So I set out.  I walked until I got to the road I usually begin running on...gotta warm up my legs a little bit.  It was actually kind of chilly out!  I was surprised!  I walked for about 4:30.  Then I started running.  Slow and steady was my goal.  Keeping my breathing under control.  Make it to the end of the road. (The road turns)  I could do it. 

I made it to the end of the road.  I was feeling good--in control.  My legs were a little tired--but I was in control.  I wasn't going fast by any means!  Heck I was actually going quite slow.  BUT--I wanted to maintain the control.  So I continued.  Could I make it to the sign?  Got it!  Still feeling alright--my legs were a little bit better--still in control.  Could I make it to 10 minutes of straight running?  Yep.  Got it!!  I was excited about that--I debated at this point what I wanted to do.  If I wanted to keep running or start alternating running and walking.  I assessed myself--how did my legs feel?  Actually good--I could even push a little bit harder!  How is my breathing?  Wow, I am really in sync and my breathing is in control.  How am I feeling overall?  Strong.  I kept going.

And going.  And going.  I kept finding my legs going in and out of strength vs. tired.  I pushed through--reminding myself that it gets better--don't stop now.  I made it to my usual "ending" point on the couch to 5K app...and kept running.  My goal--the house for sale on my route.  I made it--could I make it to the house with the ramp?  Eeks!  I am getting there!  At this point...I was past running a full 20 minutes.  I haven't done that in AGES!!!  AND I was still feeling good--my legs were feeling good.  I was in control.

I ended up running all the way home.  Not stopping until I hit my front steps!  I was SHOCKED!!  I hadn't run like that in a LONG LONG time.  It felt good.  I felt IN CONTROL.  I was in a groove.  Even after I finished--I contemplated running the last 4 minutes to make it to 30 minutes.  However, I was already home and I could hear Jordyn fussing inside.  I walked a little bit to let my body cool down--and then went inside and stretched.

So...why did I write this huge blog post?  Well--not only am I super proud of my controlled run.  I have to say--running sans technology was pretty amazing.  I enjoyed being one with myself and nature.  I enjoyed hearing my foot steps.  I enjoyed just running.  No distractions.  I felt like I was more in control--and less likely to give up.  I was pushing myself--constantly evaluating how I felt and how my breathing was.  Listening closely to my body's signals.  I really think--I am going to start running sans technology.  It was exhilarating and refreshing! 

Have you ever ran sans technology?!  What did you think?  Would you do it again?

(On a side note--while I plan on running sans technology--I won't *really* be running completely sans technology like I did yesterday.  As I will carry my phone to be safe.  If something happened to me I would want to be able to call for help or have someone be able to track me!)