Sunday, September 21, 2014

Crazy but calm

When I posted this on twitter just a few minutes ago it really struck a cord with me.  This weekend has been just that--crazy but calm.  My life in general has been this...crazy but calm.  We are getting in our grooves, settling into new routines and new procedures. 

Teaching has really settled in as well--going from 25 students to 19 has made a HUGE difference and I am surprised at how much calmer it is with 6 fewer students!  At school as well we are finally getting into a good groove and I am just now able to really start into the curriculum.  (Not that I haven't already been doing that--but I feel like we are really going to start digging in now that procedures and behaviors are in check!  Conferences are already this week!! (We do them early so that the older students have a chance to improve on those things that are needed before the end of the quarter/semester) 

Noah is doing well!  He is loving his new teacher and we are back in the groove as far as reading homework.  He is also really starting to find a love of reading and that is just amazing.  We work hard at home to make sure that he is reading and writing as those are the 2 things he struggles the most with at school.  He is still taking meds and they continue to make a huge difference.  His teacher mentioned this week that he struggled a little bit a few days this week so we are going to keep a good eye and adjust if needed.

Owen has had a rougher start to the school year.  He really was (and still to a point is) struggling with attention and being able to attend to the lessons.  Which then makes it extremely difficult for him to do what he needs to do.  At one point he was crawling under tables and refusing to do what the teacher was asking him.  We talked to the dr. and has his teacher take some data--and it was very VERY obvious that he had pretty severe ADHD.  Now, this is nothing we didn't know before.  Preschool is a whole different ball-game.. and Owen has always been very much so "on the go".  ADHD also runs very rampant in our families...and with Noah's history as well...when we went in for his check up we decided the best option at this point is to try meds.  NOW--I completely understand that this is VERY controversial.  We have chosen this because it is the best option for HIM and his academic needs.  Owen wants so badly to do the right thing--he WANTS to be good--he just struggles with having the ability to *stay* in control.  In just over a week it has made a complete AMAZING difference.  Owen is able to attend to his teacher and the lessons she is teaching, he is able to follow directions without having to constantly being redirected.  He is still his silly, fun-loving self.  It has truly been a game changer and I am hopeful that this will be a positive move in the right direction.  They have also added a few services to his IEP just to help him.  That's a positive for Owen about already having an IEP in place--the process to add (or get) services is SOO much simpler.  It's pretty awesome for Owen! :)

Jordyn is getting HUGE.  Seriously--she is already almost 15 months old!  I don't know what happened there--but I just love this stage!  She is such a spirited little one.  And has quite the temper! LOL!  Today we had her baptized so that was awesome!  She did such a great job!  She is trying to walk and will take a few steps here or there--but still prefers crawling! LOL!  Silly goose! 

OOooooo!!  We had some excitement the week before last!  Owen ran into a trash can after boy scouts the Tuesday before last...yep, you guessed it--the trash can won and Owen had a pretty good sized gash on his forehead (which obviously meant that he bled ALL OVER the place...oh so much blood!) Thankfully--they were able to glue it back together!  Whew...that was our first "boys will be boys" trip to the ER! (And not to say that this is something girls can't/don't do, because trust me I am sure that girls do just the same amount of damage to their noggins! LOL!)

Otherwise--life is pretty dandy!  This weekend was crazy in the respect that Friday night I had a passion party and the boys had a football game, yesterday was the Race for Hope 5K, and today was Jordyn's baptism.  However despite the craziness--we have had time to cook, clean, and enjoy each other's company!  It really was crazy but calm! :)

Until next time!  Love ya'll! :)

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